A blog on Just one man's opinion for the week.

Almost everyday I have a discussion with someone about the war in Iraq. The war in Iraq is one of the most important events in our nation’s history, and one of the most controversial. Whether you are for or against the war you can not avoid it, for it affects all Americans. It affects those with loved ones fighting in Iraq, it affects the economy, it affects peace, it affects unrest in our own nation, it affects terrorism, and it affects those honorable men and women serving in our Armed Forces.
I, as most Americans, have many different opinions, emotions, and ideas about this war. I also as many Americans have changed my mind about the war. Hindsight is 20/20, but a war changes with every twist and turn.
I myself have been accused of changing my ideas on the war. Now, this is true an it is also false. I will get into this later on in this piece. I will admit when I was wrong, but I will also admit when I was right. I feel though I have many more rights then wrongs.
As you continue to read on I will give facts to both sides of the story. I will give facts to support my ideas and I will give facts against my ideas. Iraq is not as simple as black and white, for it is so complicated it is head spinning. Week by week and day by day I will add on to facts and my opinions to this war since there is so much to cover.
First, I will cover the main ideas on the war and move on.
Before I forget, Here is my main opinion on the war.
1. I am against the war.
2. I am for the war in Afghanistan.
3. I hold the United Nations responsible for their threats and not standing by them.
4. I will hold the United Nations responsible, if it is proven that they are guilty, of the Oil for Food scandal. Remember innocent until proven guilty.
5. I am for the true war on terror.
6. I support the Troops. ( yes you can support the troops and not be for the war)
7. I believe the President is fighting four wars (1.) War on Terror (2.) War in Afghanistan (3.) War in Iraq (4.) Jihad- this I will explain later
8. I believe there are many things in leading up to this war were wrong and just added fuel to the fire.
9. I hold both the President and Senator Kerry for politicizing the war.
10.I hope I am wrong about what I think will happen in the future of Iraq. I hope it will all turn out for the good. I am not a religious man, but I still pray for our troops and for the good of people of Iraq.

If you want to see the articles to come in the coming weeks go to www.trueblueamericans.comLink

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